Bag School Rebuild Nepal
We were turned back from our initial date in 2015
due to the fuel crisis in Nepal stopping means of getting supplies and
volunteers to the site. We are back on schedule for November 2016',
please find more information on the project here: LINK

Drive For Nepal
By Rachel Leigh - Express Newspaper Nelson, B.C.
Tim and Becky Rippel of Nelson's Peak Freaks are organizing a clothing donation drive for Nepalese Sherpa
children. Increased tourism in Nepal's mountains has encouraged an influx of
Nepalese families to the Mount Everest region, but recent international events
have had a devastating effect on the country's tourist industry. SARS and 9/11,
along with Maoist rebels in western Nepal have discouraged visitors and left
many Sherpas without work.
The Rippel's have over 18 years of experience
leading mountaineering expeditions in Nepal, have developed strong connections
with the Sherpa families who live and work in the Mt. Everest region. When Tim
leaves next month on his latest Nepalese expedition, he hopes to help alleviate poverty by sending each of his climbers with an extra expedition bag of clothing
to add to their allowable baggage allowance.
Because of the wide varying temperatures at
different elevations, both summer and winter clothes are needed. They're looking
for clothing in good condition in sizes from two to adult; they will clean all
donations. If you have no clothes to give but still would like to help, the
Rippel's would also welcome computer software for Nepalese schools.
A donation box will be set up at the Valhalla
Pure Outfitters store in Nelson; the deadline for donations is September 17. For
more information contact Becky Rippel or Tim Rippel at 250 352 9133 or
Photo: Becky Rippel passing on hats to
the children in the Khumbu hand made by a women in Nakusp, B.C.